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Our featured PostHoliday Impact on Your Business
Posted by:admin, December - 09 - 2017
Right now, holiday invites and other demands are hitting all of us. Year-end financials are due soon, and for those of you in the B2B space, it can be quite challenging to develop new business. August and December are the most trying times of the year in this regard.
Despite the challenges of the holidays, and year end, carve out time when you can allow yourself peace and quiet. This is key to be energized, not depleted. Reflect on this year with these questions:
- What happened consistently that augmented your business?
- How can you codify those into KPIs (key performance indicators) so you don’t have to keep an eye on so many things next year?
- What went well in your business?
- What could be better?
Soon, the week between December and January 1 will arrive. The community gets very quiet. That is the perfect opportunity to carve time out for yourself and do this kind of work. It’s important, so do it for yourself. You deserve it.
Do you need help with this realignment? Answer these six questions about where you want to see your business and let’s have a brief chat.