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Our featured PostWhat is Business Coaching
Posted by:admin, February - 13 - 2018
There are a lot of coaches in the marketplace, many different models and specialties. I’ve had people ask me if it is business counseling while some perceive it to be consulting. I’m going to tackle the answer as I would consider myself a bit of an expert on this subject for three reasons:
– I’ve hired 11 different business coaches over a long career
– I have a business coach
– I AM a business coach!
Business Coaching: What It Is and What It Is Not
The Merriam Webster dictionary defines counseling as the “professional guidance of the individual by utilizing psychological methods especially in collecting case history data, using various techniques of the personal interview, and testing interests and aptitudes.” Business coaches may offer an initial client assessment to define personality, behavior or other non-psychological attributes to advance the coaching process; however, coaching is not counseling.
Consultants typically have a specific project or problem to tackle within a certain time frame. Consultants scope the problem, gather client input, craft a solution, present the solution to the client, charge them, and often leave the execution to the client. Coaches are not consultants telling the client what to do.
Coaches ask well-honed questions, based on years of experience and training, to stimulate new thinking and better answers from the client. This way, the client has a much higher chance of shifting themselves and their businesses in the direction they wish to take.
Most businesses are small to mid-sized. As a result, many business coaches target them. I’ll use this market segment to paint the picture of business coaching.
Business owners often struggle with execution because:
- They don’t have high-level executives to leverage.
- They don’t have a large matrixed organization to absorb a number of new tasks or processes recommended by consultants.
- They don’t have much cash to throw at recommendations given to them
As much as possible, they need to leverage what they have at hand to reach goals. Experienced coaches stimulate new or better thinking towards critical goals. Coaches work right alongside clients as they reach goals.
Business coaching leverages both the client and the business to reach goals. The client is the first tool out of the toolbox to advance the business. The client is the athlete. The business coach is the coach running alongside the athlete!
Why Hire a Business Coach?
Goals are reached. If we want something different, we have to actually do something different. A wise coach knows how to help the client take new steps, but effective ones as well. My clients and I craft 3-year goals and then break the execution towards them down into bite-sized pieces they can absorb into their workflow. We measure outcomes. No guessing. No wishing. We know where we stand towards the goals.
Fires are put out. All the planning in the world will not mitigate mishaps, emergencies or unforeseen opportunities. As a coach, I run alongside clients while ensuring that they execute now towards important goals realized later, all while tackling challenges along the way.
New possibilities arise. Two heads are better than one. A seasoned coach helps clients explore within themselves, the business, and the marketplace, different pathways to achieve better results.
Things actually happen. No one needs someone nipping at their heels. Accountability is a big component of execution and at times it is difficult. Execution is done best when it is continually tied to our greatest aspirations, not to keep our coach off our backs. Skilled coaches know how to keep us running towards goals based on our deepest motivations and highest aspirations.
Fresh new look. Business coaches provide objectivity which is why I still have one. No skin in the game. A seasoned, experienced business coach, will raise the critical issues that a friend, family member or colleague will likely avoid or not even see at all.
Life is better. Let’s face it. Life is better when business is better. We spend a great deal of our time, attention and energy on business. We can actually relax and let our thoughts about business go when we know we are making headway; we have a proven pathway towards our goals; and we have a partner/coach to support us along the way. We have more capacity to actually have a life!
How Do I Know if Business Coaching is for Me?
No one size fits all. Every business leader and every business is like a fingerprint. Think about this. In three years what would you like to be saying differently about your business and your role in it? I’d like to hear it. Feel free to set up a time for a free diagnostic consultation to see if coaching could be a fit for you. Whether you hire a coach or not, it can be well worth the time to capture new insights from the diagnostic as a result. Email and we’ll get you set up for your complimentary session.